Solent Infant School
At The Solent Schools, we believe that all pupils need to have a variety of computing skills, in order to prepare them for life in a modern world.

With the support of Portsmouth Education Partnership, The Solent Schools are currently taking part in the Portsmouth: The Digital City project. The aim of the programme is to improve people’s digital skills and to ensure people of all backgrounds are competent to excel in jobs with a strong digital skill set. More information can be found about this here: Portsmouth: The Digital City Project - Portsmouth Education Partnership

We use the NCCE Teach Computing Curriculum to inform our planning and ensure that learning is engaging, relevant and provides great coverage of the required knowledge and skills. At the Solent Schools, we strive to provide a variety of cross curricular opportunities for children to embed and apply their skills within all subjects. For example, the children may use technological devices, such as laptops, when publishing a piece of work in Literacy, or as a research tool across many areas of the curriculum.

We seek to ensure that children have the skills to safeguard themselves against potential threats online and to develop coping strategies for when problems occur. We value this as a highly important aspect of our Computing curriculum. We access the ProjectEvolve Toolkit to ensure a broad coverage of e-safety, including Self-image and identity, Online Relationships, Online Bullying, Heath Wellbeing & Lifestyle, Privacy & Security, Copyright and Ownership, Managing Online Information. Each February, The Solent Schools also take part in National Safer Internet Day. Every year, there is a new theme based on relevant trends, such as social media and gaming. We plan a range of whole-school activities linked to these topics, raising the profile of this nationwide event.

By the end of Key Stage 1, all pupils will be proficient in using technology safely and effectively to support and enhance their future learning.

The Skills Pyramid